Asia CEO Forum

Governance Organization of the Year

The award is open to any Philippines-based organization that demonstrated a strong commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance.
ESG is a series of guidelines dictating how an organization operates concerning its workforce, stakeholders, and the planet. Environmental factors evaluate the organization's role as a custodian of the earth. Social considerations scrutinize the company's handling of relationships with employees, suppliers, clients, and the communities in which it operates. Governance establishes a framework of regulations and optimal methodologies, alongside a range of procedures that dictate the management and oversight of an organization.


  1. Social Criteria - Social examine the company's business relationships. Does the company have a high regard for employee health and safety? Does the company allocate a percentage of its profits to its local community? Do company employees engage in volunteer work? Are other stakeholders' interests taken into account?
  2. Pioneering Achievements - Explain what is unique or first-of-its-kind about your organization's sustainability and environmental programs. How did they help to move your industry and the nation toward better sustainability practices?
  3. Recognition - Provide any recognitions received by your organization for its sustainability and environmental initiatives. Supporting documentation could include internal reports, newsletters, social media coverage, etc. Include the name of the awarding organization, title of award and year.
  4. Environmental Criteria - Environmental may include a company's energy use, the waste and pollution it creates, how it conserves natural resources, and the way it treats animals. The criteria are often used in evaluating any environmental risks a company may face and how the company is managing those risks. For example, does it own contaminated land? How does it dispose of hazardous waste? How does it manage toxic emissions, and how does it comply with environmental regulations?
  5. Governance Criteria - Governance relates to the accuracy and transparency of its accounting and reporting methods. It also will also examines how an organization treats its shareholders, stakeholders and the community it operates on important issues. It seeks assurances that the organization doesn't engage in illegal practices and avoids conflicts of interest.